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Guys and Dolls - Standing & Stage Area

Lippuja: Guys and Dolls - Standing & Stage Area

Guys and Dolls - Standing & Stage Area

Poista tallennetut

Tämä on uutuustuote, jonka on nyt varattavissa. Lisätiedot saatavilla suomeksi pian!

To book Seated Tickets, please see here The Bridge transforms for one of the greatest musicals of all time. Be transported to the streets of Manhattan in Guys and Dolls directed by Nicholas Hytner.  Featuring the Broadway classics; Luck Be a Lady, Sit Down You Are Rocking The Boat, Adelaide’s Lament, Guys & Dolls and more. With Daniel Mays, Cedric Neal, Andrew Richardson, Celinde Schoenmaker and Marisha Wallace.  Stand right in the centre of the action and move around the stage area with IMMERSIVE TICKETS. Or sit around the auditorium with SEATED TICKETS, where you will never be more than four rows away from the action of the stage area.


Guys and Dolls - Standing & Stage Area



09 4272 0899 09 4272 0899

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