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Lippuja: Clueless The Musical
Alkaen 35,30 €

Clueless The Musical

Poista tallennetut

Tämä on uutuustuote, jonka on nyt varattavissa. Lisätiedot saatavilla suomeksi pian!

The ever-so-lively Clueless The Musical in Londons West End brings a lively and contemporary twist to the beloved rom-com movie and Jane Austen’s Emma,


- Enjoy all the music from the 1995 hit movie.
- Seen the movie, enjoy the musical.
- Features a mix of ‘90s hits and original songs.
- Choose your own seats.

Mitä odottaa?

Cher Horowitz, the most popular student at Beverley Hills High School (known for her matchmaking skills), takes on her most significant project yet by giving her new, socially awkward friend Tai a makeover and pairing her with the school’s most handsome guy. However, don’t expect Cher to change her ways anytime soon – she’s as confident and fabulous as ever in this entertaining, fashionable and awesome musical comedy.

The ever-so-lively Clueless The Musical brings a lively and contemporary twist to the beloved rom-com movie and Jane Austen’s Emma, with the original film’s writer-director collaborating with a highly acclaimed creative team.

Miten toimin?

How do I get my tickets?
Shortly after your booking is complete, your e-tickets are sent directly to your email. Mobile tickets are accepted. 


Monday to Saturday at 7.30pm
Thursday and Saturday at 2.30pm



Kampanjahintaisia lippuja voi varata 2024-10-17 – 2025-06-12 esityksiin viikonpäiville: maanantai, tiistai, keskiviikko, torstai ajanjaksolle 2025-02-17 – 2025-06-12

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